New NIR values 2015 13.01.2016
Manufacture, supply, service - design of automated emission measurement systems (AMS)
- delivery, installation and service devices for continuous emission measurement
- manufacture, delivery, installation and service of samples collection devices for emission monitoring systems (probes, heated pipelines, systems of samples treatment and transportation, control systems for gas flow and sample humidity)
- delivery, installation and service of data analysing devices for emission measurement systems
- design, delivery, installation and service of systems for data collection, transfer and visualizing from source to workspace of distant user (S-base)
- manufacture, delivery and service of data collection devices for Emission monitoring systems for manual measurement of solid, fluid and gas emission – GTE set, UNIBOX set and for ground-level concentration (ambient air ) measurement AIRMAT set
- manufacture and delivery of probes for waste gas flow measurement (Prandtl’s probes type S and L)
- delivery of thermometers, pressure sensors, humidity measuring systems, CO detector in workspace and devices for oxygen concentration assessment in gas
- delivery of filtrate materials (glass wool, silica, Teflon) and absorption materials (polyurethane foam) for air emission sampling